Man and Girl with a Milking Cow
Man with a Sheep


This program is designed to give students a broad background to prepare them for many different occupations in the field of agriculture and agricultural business.

TRANSFER STUDENTS Completing the Associate Degree does not necessarily meet the university admission requirements for transfer. An Associate Degree is not a requirement for transfer to either the CSU or UC campuses. Private and out-of-state colleges and universities have unique transfer requirements. However, if you would like to transfer to a university and earn an associate degree, early educational planning can make this goal achievable. You should meet with a counselor early in your studies to develop an Educational Plan that fulfills both transfer requirements and associate degree requirements.

The G.E. PATHS program is an exciting new bonus for students enrolled in many of our courses.


ANML SC 501 Principles of Animal Science 3
CO SCI 501 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
PLNT SC 103 Introduction to Soils 3
PLNT SC 714 Principles of Horticulture 3
PLNT SC 901 Natural Resources Conservation 3

Select a minimum of one course from each group:
GROUP 1: ANML SC 120 (3 units), 180 (2 units), 181 (1-10 units); PLNT SC 103 (3 units),
GROUP 2: ANML SC 501 (3 units), 505 (3 units), 506 (2 units), 510 (3 units), 511 (3 units),
AS512 (1 unit), AS516 (1 unit), 530 (2 units), 531 (2 units), 596 (1-10 units)
GROUP 3: ANML SC 601 (3 units), 602 (3 units), 603 (10 units), 611 (2 units), 615 (1 unit),
616 (2 units), 617 (2 units), 620 (1 unit), 621 (1 unit), 630 (2 units), 631 (2 units),
640 (2 units), 645 (5 units), 650 (2 units)
GROUP 4: PLNT SC 701 (2 units), 711 (3 units), 714 (3 units),716 (1 unit), 756 (3 units), 757 (3 units),
GROUP 5: PLNT SC 800 (3 units), 801 (3 units), 802 (3 units), 806 (4 units), 807 (4 units), 812 (3units),
815 (2 units), 818 (3 units), 820 (3 units), 826 (3 units), 840 (3 units),
896A (1 unit), 896B (2 units),
896C(3 units)

ANML SC 120 (3 units), 180 (2 units), 181 (10 units), 302 (2 units), 401 (1 unit),
402 (2 units), 410 (2 units), 411 (1 unit), 412 (2 units), 420 (2 units), 421 (1 unit),
422 (2 units),423 (1 unit), 430 (2 units), 431 (1 unit), 435 (2 units), 436 (1 unit),
441 (2 units), 460 (2 units), 466 (1 unit), 470 (3 units), 480 (3 units), 505 (3 units),
506 (2 units), 510 (3 units), 511 (3 units), 512 (1 unit), 515 (2 units), 516 (1 unit),
530 (2 units), 531 (2 units), 596 (10 units), 601 (3 units), 602 (3 units), 603 (10 units),
611 (2 units), 615 (1 unit), 616 (2 units), 617 (2 units), 620 (1 unit), 621 (1 unit),
630 (2 units), 631 (2 units), 640 (2 units), 650 (2 units);
PLNT SC 701 (2 units), 711 (3 units),716 (1 unit), 756 (3 units), 757 (3 units),
800 (3 units), 801 (3 units), 802 (3 units), 806 (4 units), 807 (4 units), 812 (3 units),
815 (2 units), 818 (3 units), 820 (3 units), 826 (3 units), 828 (3 units) 829 (3 units)
830 (3 units), 896A (1 unit)
896B (2 units), 896 C (3 units), MAJOR - TOTAL UNITS 40 MINIMUM

Students must complete one of the following General Education Plans:
Plan B: Pierce Career and Technical GE plan 18 units
Plan C: CSU GE Breadth Certification Plan 39 units
Plan D: IGETC 34-39 units


Pierce College’s Pre-Veterinary Program prepares you for direct transfer into a graduate school of Veterinary Medicine, saving you two years of college!


Registered Veterinary Technology Program Co-Directors
Lu Dao, DVM
Email: @email
Rebecca Yates, DVM
Email: @email

Registered Veterinary Technology General Questions and Vet Tech Student Counseling
Angela Killips, RVT (Instructional Assistant and Adjunct Professor)
Email: @email

Pre-veterinary Medicine Program Director
Lu Dao, DVM
Email: @email

Horse/Equine Science Faculty Advisor
Please contact Department Chair for information

Department Chair
Savanah St. Clair Senn, MS, Plant Science
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-4250