Institutional Planning

This page provides an overview of institutional planning and decision making at Pierce College.  Please note that The College Planning Committee (CPC) is responsible for the development and implementation of the college's overall planning efforts, ensuring integrated planning and alignment with the college​'s mission statement and values.  

Please visit the CPC SharePoint site for more planning resources.

Planning & Decision-Making

The College’s guiding beacon is the Strategic Master Plan (SMP) which mutually feeds and reflects other district/college functional plans, and our college processes are mindful of the importance that decisions are made based on the understanding of its alignment with the SMP.  The College's other functional plans include the Educational Master Plan (EMP), a Facilities Master Plan (FMP), a Technology Master Plan (TMP), a Plan for Enrollment Management (PEM), Professional Learning Plan (PLP), Comprehensive Program Review plans (CPR), and the Student Equity and Achievement Plan (SEAP).  The College follows an integrated four-year planning cycle.

Decision-Making & Planning Handbook

Strategic Master Plan 2022-2026

Educational Master Plan 2022-2026

Facilities Master Plan 2022-2026

Plan for Enrollment Management 2022-2026

Professional Learning Plan 2022-2026

Student Equity & Achievement Plan 2022-2025

Institution Set Standards & Stretch Goals

In accordance with ACCJC Policy on Monitoring Institutional Performance and federal regulations, the Commission applies a set of annual monitoring and evaluation approaches that assess an institution’s continued compliance with the Commission’s Standards and take into account institutional strengths and stability. Colleges must hold themselves accountable for continuous improvement in the context of their unique mission and goals.  This includes institution set standards (floor and aspirational goals); and achievement in course completion, certificates, degrees, transfer, job placement and licensure pass rates.

Pierce College has established eleven floor and aspirational measures for student achievement.  These measures are all directly related to the college's Strategic Master Plan and are aligned to the 
College's Mission, Vision, and Goals

LAPC Institution Set Standards & Stretch Goals

Contact Information


Ani Zarpas, Dean
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 712-2680

Giselle Calubayan, Research Analyst
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 712-2630