
It is the student's responsibility to drop his/her classes and adhere to the deadlines in the Calendar. Students are responsible for fees (even if they do not attend class) if they do not drop by the refund deadline. Calendar dates apply to semester-length (or full session) classes only. See instructor for deadlines for short-term classes (including PACE) or non-full session Winter Intersession or Summer Session classes.

All students (including concurrent high school students and those receiving financial aid/a fee waiver) should print their schedule of classes in order to verify proper class enrollment.

Photo ID is required to process transactions at Admissions & Records, Business Office, Financial Aid, etc. Acceptable forms of Photo ID: driver's license, state-issued identification card, school identification card, etc.

Once the semester begins, students can no longer sign up for classes online, with the exception of open short-term courses. For short-term courses that are closed, attend the first day of class and the instructor will issue a signed add card should there be room in the class. You may register online for open classes at your appointment time or any time through the Thursday prior to the start of the class.

Confirmation Numbers

Write down and keep the confirmation numbers given for each transaction. When you have finished adding or dropping, return to the menu and select "View Schedule". Print this page as a record of your transactions.

New and Returning Students

A returning student is someone who did not enroll in any school in the Los Angeles Community College District within the last two semesters. New and returning students are required to submit an application for admission before an online registration date/time is issued.

Auditing Classes

Detailed information on auditing classes appears on page 15 in the 2014-2016 Pierce General Catalog at Audit Permit cards are not issued by the Admissions & Records Office; they are issued (and signed) by the course instructor. Late audit permit cards will not be accepted. See Calendar (download and print) at for deadlines. No credit given. Audit courses cannot BE dropped. No refunds. Fees are not transferable. Financial Aid does not pay for audits. Audit fees are not waived for concurrent high school students. An active application for admission is required for students auditing classes.

Requests for transcripts (official or unofficial) or Verifications of Enrollment will not be accepted until all (past and/or current) financial obligations with the Los Angeles Community College District are paid. If you received a fee waiver/financial aid, make sure that you do not owe any fees (past and/or current) before submitting a transcript and/or verification request. If you owe fees at any school in the Los Angeles Community College District, your request will not be processed.

Office Information


Welcome Hours*
Mondays to Fridays: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
1st floor, Student Services Building

Virtual Services Hours*
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 1:00PM - 5:00PM

*Hours subject to changes.