FastWeb - www.fastweb.com
Wired Scholar - www.wiredscholar.com
Sallie Mae - www.salliemae.com/freemoney
Next Student - http://www.nextstudent.com/scholarship-search/scholarship-search.asp

Scholarships are also offered by outside agencies and foundations and are awarded on the basis of merit, academic excellence, and in some cases, additional criteria.

National Merit Scholarship - www.nationalmerit.org
Hispanic Scholarship Fund - www.hsf.net
MALDEF - www.maldef.org
Latino College Dollars - www.latinocollegedollars.org
United Negro College Fund - www.uncf.org
Native American - www.doi.gov
Asian American - www.uspaacc.com
Gates Millennium Scholars Program - www.gmsp.org
Military Scholarships - www.myfuture.com
International Students Scholarships - www.iefa.org
California Dollars for Scholars - www.californiadollarsforscholars.org
Coca-Cola Scholarships - www.coca-colascholars.org
McDonalds in Education - www.mcdonalds.com
WalMart - www.walmartfoundation.org
Target All-Around Scholarships - www.target.com

Office Information


Department Chair, Philosophy and Sociology
Dr. Cara Gillis PhD
Email: gilliscl@piercecollege.edu
Phone: (818) 710-2256

Faculty Student Advisor for Philosophy
Dr. Melanie McQuitty PhD
Email: mcquitm@piercecollege.edu
Phone: (818) 710-3645

Faculty Student Advisor for Sociology
Dr. A. James McKeever PhD
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-2255