Students in Front of PC


Laboratory information

Lab Locations: Center for the Sciences 91001 and 91004. Enter through CFS 91003.

Fall 2019 Laboratory Hours

Monday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM – 12:00 Noon
Fall 2019 Lab Schedule to come.

Note: The lab will be open an extra hour from 8/26 -10/18, Monday-Thursday.

Students in front a Computer

During the first week of classes, enrolled students must attend lab and complete the Orientation. Remember to Sign-in and Sign-out of lab.

Important Laboratory Policies

  • Lab attendance: All students are required to complete and turn in the orientation exercise by Friday, August 31st 2018.
  • Students are to complete one 3-hour lab each week. If you miss more than two labs, your instructor may drop you. It is your responsibility to drop the course if you stop attending.
  • The Biology 3 laboratory can be very busy at times. It is highly recommended that you do your lab as early in the week as possible. Please note that Thursdays are usually very crowded and can result in a long wait time before you actually get into the lab. Both labs will open at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, so please arrange your lab time accordingly.
  • You will need your Pierce College Student Identification Number to log in. You must have standard headphones to use in the lab. Only headphones should be plugged into the biology computers. No cell phones or other electronic devices may be charged/plugged into the lab equipment.
  • Record your time as you leave the lab. If you forget to log out, you will not receive credit.
  • Students are expected to follow the posted lab policies.
  • While logged into the lab, you must be involved with Biology course work. Any student not doing Biology work will be logged off. Each lab must be completed in the week assigned; you may not work ahead or go back to previous labs.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Tuesdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Wednesdays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Weekends and Holidays: Closed

Los Angeles Pierce College
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Shannon DeVaney, Ph.D.
Life Science Dept. Chair
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 712-2611
